Hello everyone, hopefully everyone had a nice day out in the sun today (most of the readers I know about are in California and the weather was BEAUTIFUL today). Tonight I decided that I would get two beers, one for tonight and one for tomorrow. The beer that I decided on for tonight is a Lambic, which is a Belgian table beer infused with fruit. One of the most popular Lambic's is Timmerman's, the beers that I could find that they produce are a cherry, strawberry, and raspberry (framboise). This beer is a nice amber color, and usually comes with a white to medium yellow head. This beer is 4% ABV, which is much lower than I normally drink, but that just means that I can drink TWICE as much. Immediately after opening this beer I could smell strawberries and was bombarded by the smell when I started the pour. This jem ran me $5.99 at my local whole foods, for an 11.2 ounce bottle, so it is not the cheapest flavored beer you buy... but after you have tried one, you will never be able to go back to a wine cooler or an American fruit flavored beer again. After my first sip of a Lambic, I knew that I was spoiled beyond belief. I took my first sip of this beer and was pleasantly surprised at the light strawberry flavor. I am giving this 3.5/5 stars on my Lambic beer scale, I do prefer the Framboise, but the strawberry is better than the cherry. If you are looking for a light flavorful fruity beer, then pick up one of these at your local bottle shop or specialty grocery store, it is well worth the $6-8 you will pay for it. I personally would recommend starting the night of with one of these and then moving into a Triple, as this will get you loosened up and ready for the %10-12 ABV most Belgian Triple's have to offer.
See you at the bar!
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